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Which Speaker Wires Should You Choose?
Understand what different aspects characterize speaker wires and learn how to choose the right ones for your speaker needs to get the best results.
A USB hub can expand the number and type of USB connections available for connecting devices. This guide covers several reasons you may need a USB hub.
Why an Outdoor Ethernet Cable Is Important
This guide explains reasons to use outdoor ethernet cable instead of indoor cable in a variety of applications and discusses the differences between the types.
audio cable

The right cable is essential for achieving high-quality audio, whether you're setting up an indoor home theater or working with an outdoor event venue. Different types of cables will serve different functions. Find out how to choose the right audio cables for your own setup.

braided 4k hdmi cable
If you look at any stock HDMI cables, some are low cost, whereas others cost far more than you might expect. Unless you’re a technophile, it can be difficult for the average consumer to figure out which HDMI cable to buy.